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Veterans' Affairs summary report from 2023–2024

This page explains how we are meeting our goals of supporting eligible veterans with service-related health conditions, building partnerships to support the veteran community, and honouring veterans’ service.

How we supported eligible veterans with a service-related health condition

In the last 12 months, we have supported more than 26,000 clients and their whānau. This is an increase from the previous year.

More than 10,000 clients have received payments from us. In total, we paid out over $135 million in entitlements. 

  2023–2024 2022–2023
All clients (veterans and whānau) 26,000+ 25,000+
Clients receiving payments 10,000+ 10,000+
Paid out in all entitlements ($million) $138.64m $130.30m
Number of claims received 3,065 3,236
Number of claims processed 2,984 2,563
Veterans and surviving spouses or partners who receive VIP Services¹ 7,677 7,381
Clients receiving Discretionary VIP Services² 3,726 4,241

¹ VIP Services are the Veterans’ Independence Programme Services. They are a set of home assistance services, including lawn mowing and exterior house cleaning. These services are not health or rehabilitation services. 

² Discretionary VIP Services are available to a specific group of veterans who are 80 years of age or older, or have a terminal condition without a health condition related to their service. 

The top conditions that were claimed for in the Financial Year 2023–2024

We recognise many service-related health conditions. The top 5 groupings of health conditions we supported last year are listed below. 

Condition Percentage
Hearing problems 42%
Bones and joints, including arthritis 20%
Heart problems, including hypertension and heart disease 8%
Vision problems, including cataracts and glaucoma 6%
Mental health conditions 4%

If you have a condition that might fit into one of the groups and if you are eligible, you can find out how to claim on our website.

How to make a claim

Percentage of claims accepted or declined

This graph shows the rates of claims that were approved or declined between 2012 and 2024. Since the passing of the Veterans' Support Act 2014, the trend shows increasing rates of approvals.

A graph showing the percentage of claims that were accepted verses declined. The earliest date is 2012. The latest date is 2024. The trend of the percentage claims accepted over time is upwards.

How well do we look after our clients? 

Our clients gave us an approval rating of 97% in our annual independent client satisfaction survey.

Veterans’ Affairs Client Satisfaction Survey

In addition to this client feedback, 3,480 veterans have a case manager. The Rehabilitation Team created and approved 2,038 treatment plans in the last financial year, and they work with 117 veterans who receive weekly compensation. 

How well are we engaging with the veteran sector? 

Through the events of our outreach programme, our website, social media, magazine and email newsletter, we aim to reach and engage with eligible veterans to ensure that they know what support we offer. 

In the 2023–2024 financial year: 

  • we answered 25,118 phone calls and received 33,000 emails to our Veteran Support Centre
  • we met face-to-face with more than 500 veterans and their whānau who came to our veteran support outreach events (our forums and case manager clinics)
  • we received over 350 registrations from veterans who had not previously made contact with us
  • we emailed 13,500 people each month with our email newsletter, and this list grew by 1,200 over the last year
  • our Veterans’ Affairs magazine is being distributed to more than 13,000 recipients. 

Building on partnerships for greater effect 

Other agencies have worked with us to develop a work programme as part of the Te Arataki strategy. Work has included: 

  • a study by the Social Wellbeing Agency to identify the veteran population, describe their demographic characteristics, and record experiences of disability and employment
  • a veterans employment programme piloted by the RNZRSA in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development
  • preparatory work by Te Whatu Ora Health NZ for a project to incorporate a veteran identifier in the health information system.

An Approved Information Sharing Arrangement (AISA) between Veterans' Affairs and 10 other agencies came into effect in June 2024. This will expedite the obtaining of key records and information, resulting in more timely support for veterans. 

In 2023, we reviewed and renewed a memorandum of understanding with the RNZRSA. We also administered a government grant of $275,000 to the RNZRSA. 

Honouring their service 

We continue to support veterans wishing to attend international and domestic commemorations. 

In 2023–2024, we approved 96 applications to the Commemorative Fund for commemorative travel, and we distributed more than $196,650. 

We approved 32 applications to the Commemorative Fund for projects,  distributing $66,750. 

We also sent out over 400 Veterans’ Pins and Certificates of Appreciation.