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Have your say on the draft Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025–2029

Have your say on the draft Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025–2029

Suicide affects far too many New Zealand families, whānau and communities. Suicide prevention efforts in New Zealand are guided by Every Life Matters – He Tapu te Oranga o ia Tangata: Suicide Prevention Strategy 2019–2029(external link).

The current Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2019–2024 comes to an end this year. 

Public consultation on a draft Suicide Prevention Action Plan for 2025–2029 is now open.

Submissions close at 5pm on Friday 1 November 2024.

This is an opportunity to share your feedback on the draft action plan and how we can work together to prevent suicide in New Zealand. Your feedback will help inform the final Suicide Prevention Action Plan for 2025 to 2029. This is expected to be released in 2025.  

You can find a copy of the draft Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025–2029 and information on how to have your say on the Ministry of Health website: Draft Suicide Prevention Action plan for 2025 – 2029 Public consultation document | Ministry of Health NZ(external link)

This link includes information about: 

  • online information sessions where you can learn more about the consultation. A recording will be added if you are unable to make the information session. 
  • public consultation meetings. These will be held in selected places and online.   

Please feel free to circulate this information through your networks. We welcome feedback from anyone who would like to share their thoughts. Your feedback is crucial to ensure we have a strong approach to preventing suicide over the next five years. 

For more information about the consultation process, please contact


20 September 2024