Other payments payment rates
Other payment rates as of 1 April 2025.
Battery Allowance is calculated as a weekly financial support and paid:
- every two weeks within NZ, or
- every four weeks outside of NZ.
All payment rates are before tax.
Payment rates are in New Zealand Dollars.
Type of health aid | Weekly amount |
One hearing aid (monaural) | $1.35 |
Two hearing aids (binaural) | $2.74 |
A Retirement Lump Sum is a one-time payment of $42,878.59.
Retirement Lump Sum information
To be able to receive a Retirement Lump Sum your assets must be under a certain threshold. The threshold amount depends on your circumstances.
All payment rates are before tax.
Payment rates are in New Zealand Dollars.
Your circumstances | Threshold amount |
Couple without a house and vehicle | $389,805.45 |
Single with or without a house and vehicle | $649,675.74 |
Couple with either a house and vehicle | $649,675.74 |
Clothing Allowance is calculated as a weekly financial support and paid:
- every two weeks within NZ, or
- every four weeks outside of NZ.
All payment rates are before tax.
Payments rates are in New Zealand Dollars.
Your circumstances | Weekly amount |
Loss of two limbs or parts of two limbs | $29.50 |
Loss of leg or part of leg | $28.48 |
Loss of arm or part of arm | $20.63 |
Needing to use a mechanical appliance | $20.63 |
Soiling of clothing | $20.63 |
Payment rates
- Child Care payment rates
- Children's Bursary payment rates
- Disablement Pension payment rates
- Family pensions payment rates
- Funeral Expenses payment rates
- Independence Allowance payment rates
- Lump Sum for Permanent Impairment payment rates
- Other payments payment rates
- Survivor's Grant payment rate
- Veteran's Pension
- War Disablement Pension payment rates
- Weekly Compensation payment rates
- Weekly Income Compensation payment rates