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Other payments payment rates

Other payment rates as of 1 April 2025.

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Battery Allowance

Battery Allowance is calculated as a weekly financial support and paid:

  • every two weeks within NZ, or
  • every four weeks outside of NZ.

Payment dates

About Battery Allowance

All payment rates are before tax.

Payment rates are in New Zealand Dollars.

Type of health aid Weekly amount
One hearing aid (monaural) $1.35
Two hearing aids (binaural) $2.74
Retirement Lump Sum

A Retirement Lump Sum is a one-time payment of $42,878.59.

Retirement Lump Sum information

To be able to receive a Retirement Lump Sum your assets must be under a certain threshold. The threshold amount depends on your circumstances.

All payment rates are before tax.

Payment rates are in New Zealand Dollars.

Your circumstances Threshold amount
Couple without a house and vehicle $389,805.45
Single with or without a house and vehicle $649,675.74
Couple with either a house and vehicle $649,675.74
Clothing Allowance

Clothing Allowance is calculated as a weekly financial support and paid:

  • every two weeks within NZ, or
  • every four weeks outside of NZ.

Payment dates

About Clothing Allowance

All payment rates are before tax.

Payments rates are in New Zealand Dollars.

Your circumstances Weekly amount
Loss of two limbs or parts of two limbs $29.50
Loss of leg or part of leg $28.48
Loss of arm or part of arm $20.63
Needing to use a mechanical appliance $20.63
Soiling of clothing $20.63
Travel Allowance

Travel Allowance is calculated as a weekly financial support and paid:

  • every two weeks within NZ, or
  • every four weeks outside of NZ.

Payment dates

About Travel Allowance

All payment rates are before tax.

Weekly amount
Decorations Allowance for United Kingdom gallantry awards

The Decoration Allowance is only available for those that have received a UK gallantry award.

It is calculated as a weekly financial support and paid:

  • every two weeks within NZ, or
  • every four weeks outside of NZ.

All payment rates are before tax.

Weekly amount
Motor Vehicle Grant

A Motor Vehicle Grant is a one-off payment.

All payment rates are before tax.

Payment rates are in New Zealand Dollars

Your circumstances


Total lower body impairment $23,792.58
Severe lower body impairment $10,707.36
Needing modified controls $3,841.49