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Veterans' Medical Research Trust Fund

From time to time, the Veterans’ Health Advisory Panel call for proposals for research on New Zealand Veterans. This research is funded from the interest available through the Veterans' Medical Research Trust Fund.

The initial deadline for Stage 1 proposals closed on Friday 28 February 2025.

The selected Stage 2 applicants have been provided with a further application pack and form, which is to be received by noon on 12 May 2025.

Update on 2025 research funding applications

On 18 December 2024, the Veterans’ Health Advisory Panel (the Panel) sought applications from New Zealand-based researchers interested in generating knowledge and understanding of veterans to improve their mental, physical and social health outcomes.

A Stage 1 (expression of interest) research pack and application form was provided for any interested parties to submit a proposal within the scope of the Guiding Principles for Investment. Of particular interest to the Panel were research proposals that investigate and contribute to the improvement of the health and wellbeing of women veterans.

Applicants were encouraged to read Te Arataki mō te Hauora Ngākau mō ngā Mōrehu a Tū me ō rātou Whānau. This policy framework provides information and guidance on improving the wellbeing of military veterans, their families and whānau and highlights potential areas of focus.
The pack included information on:

  • the type of research the Panel is seeking
  • the funding available
  • the two-stage application process
  • the Panel’s Guiding Principles for Investment
  • contact details for the Panel and where to send proposals.


The initial deadline for Stage 1 proposals closed on Friday 28 February 2025. On 25 March 2025, the Panel met to consider those proposals and has now invited selected applicants to progress and submit a Stage 2 proposal.
Stage 2 applicants have been provided with a further application pack and form, which is to be received by noon on 12 May 2025.