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Veteran's Pension

Veteran's Pension is a payment every two weeks similar to NZ Superannuation but with some additional benefits.

Veteran's Pension is administered and paid by the Ministry of Social Development, not Veterans' Affairs

Who can get this

You may get Veteran's Pension if you or your partner:

  • have Qualifying Operational Service
  • are an NZ resident and normally live here, and
  • are aged 65 years or over.

Qualifying Operational Service explained(external link)

What you can get

The amount you receive depends on:

  • whether you are single, married or in a relationship
  • your living situation if you're single
  • whether your partner is included in your Veteran’s Pension payments or not
  • any overseas benefit or pension you may get
  • any payments you get from accident insurance or ACC.

Standard rates

Situation Amount per week ($NZD)
Single person living alone $627.14
Single person sharing accommodation $576.80
Relationship rate $476.47
Relationship (partner not receiving superannuation or pension) $903.42
Relationship (partner not receiving superannuation or pension) legacy rate $952.94

Non-taxable lump sum payments

Situation Rate (lump sum)
Lump sum payment on death of veteran $7,580.60
Lump sum payment on death of spouse or partner of veteran $5,780.43

View the maximum current rates for NZ Superannuation and Veteran’s Pension on the Work and Income website(external link)

Information on NZ Superannuation, Veteran's Pension and overseas pensions on link)

Tax and the Veteran's Pension

You pay tax on the Veteran's Pension. The amount you're taxed depends on whether you get any other income.

Income you pay tax on(external link)

Extra benefits you can get

You get extra benefits if you have a Veteran's Pension rather than NZ Superannuation.

  • You automatically get a Community Services Card — this will be combined with your Veteran SuperGold Card.
  • Your pension isn't reduced if you need long-term hospital care.
  • After your death, your partner or children may be able to get a lump sum payment.
  • You may be able to get lump sum payment on the death of your partner.

Community Services Card on link)

How to apply

You can apply for a Veteran's Pension eight weeks before you turn 65.

Contact the Veteran's Pension Centre to talk about your circumstances and they’ll explain how to apply.

Contact the Veteran's Pension Centre, part of the Ministry of Social Development(external link)

The date you apply is important

You get paid from the date you applied. If you apply after you turn 65 you won't be back-paid.

You have 20 working days after you first apply to give the Veteran's Pension Centre any other documents needed to complete your application. Otherwise, you may need to apply again. Contact them if you need more time.